Our Mission

Hello, I'm Sandra-Lia Sirot, the Founder and CEO of WIINK. Alongside my incredible team, we are thrilled to introduce WIINK to you.

Our journey commenced when I observed the challenges faced by numerous shops, ranging from difficult locations and limited marketing budgets to the rise of online shopping and a gap in tech knowledge among shop owners. Driven to make a meaningful impact for passionate shop owners, I embarked on creating a tool specifically tailored to support the retail industry.

WIINK's purpose is to revolutionize how physical businesses engage with their local communities. Serving as a catalyst, WIINK empowers businesses to reconnect with the people around them. Our aim is to inject vibrancy back into the streets, reigniting the essence of human connection and bringing individuals back to the heart of local shops. At its core, WIINK strives to curate unforgettable, personalized customer journeys that transcend mere transactions, fostering enjoyable, authentic, and lasting experiences. WIINK isn't just about purchases; it's about sparking a desire to revisit these businesses, establishing a connection between them and their customers that goes beyond commerce, creating meaningful relationships.

We genuinely hope that you find as much delight in using WIINK as we did in bringing it from idea to life.